Metaphysician (Energy Scans)

So What is a Metaphysican?  The Dictionary says: 


  • expert in or student of the branch of philosophy that deals with the first principles of things, including abstract concepts such as being and knowing:"a talented metaphysician famous for defending idealism"

I also ask: what is is called when a metaphysical scans the body for illness's? 

Energy medicine

Energy medicine is a branch of alternative medicine based on a pseudo-scientific belief that healers can channel "healing energy" into a patient and effect

I have found in my time working in the Metaphysical world of over 30 years that as a Reiki Master I scan before working, and as a "Metaphysician", which I use this term to differentiate
which gift am using.

For me, I use my gift of sight, to scan the body, and pick up what is needed, whether is it minerals, change in diet,  added vitamins, many things can pop up, and I also recommend 
what is needed even if it's an herb, or combination of herbs for teas to help with the currant situation.

Sometimes a Metaphysician is needed to discover what is going on, when the Dr's can't find anything.  These things can be from past life issues, it could be brought on by holding 
onto things emotionally that  your not even aware of.

People do not realize in this realm that you are not your body, but your spirit, and the spirit holds all the answers from many lifetimes,  We just have to talk to the spirit to discover what is happening.  When the Spirit is Dis- Eased, the body is Diseased.

Metaphysician as physician

Outside modern Western academic halls, there exists an older and more esoteric conception of the word as a meta-physician. This is a kind of doctor/healer who effects change in the physical world by effecting, changing, and tampering with what is meta-, or beyond or underlying it. In other words, the metaphysician works with metaphysical laws and principles – not first and foremost with the everyday physical ones. It is because the meta- or more fundamental level of the physical is itself non-physical (sub- and supra- physical), that metaphysicians can and do effect healing and change in the physical by working with what is non-physical.

In working with the principles and powers and ‘things’ in the realm where matter and what is beyond matter meet that we are definitely putting a toe, or maybe a whole leg, down the rabbit-hole. That is, from the perspective of everyday life. Finding any value in this kind of work definitely involves a perspective that is different from the first-person every day experience of our ego. It involves, for example: the psyche, the mind, symbolic language, quantum mechanics, and the clear understanding that where the direction of the mind-body connection is not equal – it is most definitely weighted in the direction of mind to body, not body to mind.

The result of metaphysical work may look, at one far end of the spectrum, like magic and miracle, and, at the other, like placebo or coincidence – and everything in between. Clearly the most important thing is that it works. 

In brief, a metaphysician is either a philosopher whose area of expertise is the study of the fundamental nature of reality and existence and/or, more esoterically, a practicing healer/adviser that changes physical reality by working with the principles and powers and ‘things’ that underlie it, and especially the mind or psyche. Again, if you are interested working with me you can contact me here; I am currently taking new clients.

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